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MAXI PRO 2P (Piston Engine ULV)[6 Jul. 2008, 23:19:09]
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The Maxi Pro 2P is another innovation from The Curtis Dyna-Fog's engineering staff that responds to the needs of any insect and vector control program. Its reliable performance will provide years of continued use to any mosquito abatement district requiring the best equipment available.

The Maxi Pro 2P has a simple but accurate chemical metering control system that assures a high standard of efficiency with a minimum of effort.

Standard Features

* A more powerful 18 h.p., air-cooled, twin-cylinder engine that includes a charging system and electrical starting.
* Air pressure gauge for monitoring nozzle air pressure.
* Air pressure gauge for monitoring formulation tank pressure.
* A completely directionally adjustable nozzle boom that allows complete freedom of spray direction.
* Direct drive blower eliminates the need for belts.
* Quieter operation due to large effective blower filter/silencer.
* Shock absorbing pads that help cut damaging vibration to an absolute minimum.
* Stainless steel, flow meter, no chemical flows through the vehicle cab.
* No special wiring needed for hook up.
* Welded tubular-steel frame.
* Remote formulation on/off control.
* Electric stainless steel solenoid valve.
* Digital hour-tachometer.
* Limited one year warranty.


Type: ULV chemical aerosol applicator.
Engine: Aluminum twin cylinder, 4 cycle gasoline, 18 h.p. electric start with alternator.
Blower: Direct drive, positive displacement rotary type.
Air output up to 400 cu. Ft3./ min (11.2 m3/min) @ 8 PSI.
Nozzle system: Boom type with 360 degree horizontal adjustment (azimuth) and 360 degree vertical adjustment (elevation) 2 nozzles.
Chemical System: Pressured tank with Flowmeter control: adjustable output 0 to 40 oz. Min.
Formulation tank: 10 Gallon Stainless steel.
Fuel Tank: 7.8 Gallon polyethylene (high density).
Particle size: Meets all currently available chemical manufacturers' label requirements with 90% or more of the droplets under 20 microns.
Weight empty: 408 lbs. (185 kg).
Weight filled: 580 lbs. (262 kg).
Length: 44 in. (111.8 cm)
Width: 37 in. (94cm)
Height: 30 in. (76 cm)
Mounting base frame: L x W: 39 in. x 30 in.
(96.5 cm x 76.2 cm)

Shipping information (crated):

Length: 48.0 in. (122 cm)
Width: 39.5 in. (102 cm)
Height: 39.0 in. (99 cm)
Volume: 42.9 ft3 (1.21m3)
Shipping Weight: 540 lbs (245 kg)
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